Persici Ltd is a private limited company registered in England and Wales with the companies house registration number 10758260. Registered office address 197E Hagley Rd, Birmingham, B16 9RD, United Kingdom.

Persici Ltd is a brand and consulting company dedicated to helping businesses grow and succeed. Founded in 2017 by Ashley Robertson, Persici provides a platform for member companies to collaborate and share resources. Through our services, we provide our members with marketing, finance, business strategy, and growth consulting.

At Persici, we believe in helping our members reach their goals. Our mission is to provide our members with the tools and resources they need to succeed, and to help them grow and thrive in the business world. We strive to create a positive and supportive environment, helping our members work together to achieve success.

We are dedicated to helping businesses reach their full potential and we are committed to providing the best possible service and support to our members. With our help, our members can take their businesses to the next level.

Our mission and values


Our mission is to provide our members with the tools and resources they need to succeed, and to help them grow and thrive in the business world. We are committed to making our platform accessible and available to all, and creating an environment where our members can collaborate and succeed.

sign Ashley Robertson Founder & CEO